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Welcome to my small patch of homemade interwebz, some kind of chaos garden.
I'm nemecle, a system administrator, "artist" and activist, and I try to make the various fields in which I'm knowledgeable more accessible, in the same spirit as my job in popular education
I have a Master Degree in "Not being consistent" and "somehow fixing stuff that I do not understand"
This website is alive so it's constantly changing, both in content and form.
If you want to contact me or chat with me somehow, you can find me here:
instagram twitter mastodon reddit
Or you can e-mail me at ‹my usual username› at riseup dot net.
- Worldbuilding through lethargy, mostly.
- Definitely not stalling.
- Storm chasing and drawing.
- Photography & 3D modeling
- Away from this website.
- Unsuccessful thunderstorm chasing.
- Building an antenna
- Photography.
- Fixing electronics
- Photography.
● remove before prod